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[Index] 【08.09.08】MV of Tik 'smeeting with Chinese fans on August 22

发表于 2008-9-8 21:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 f' b: W0 C7 n) |0 y" U[08.08.08] MV of Tik 'smeeting with Chinese fans on August 22 (total 7 pcs, to be continued)9 p9 p; [% J8 Q0 |/ G9 b8 i
- R1 s8 ~- t& l, Q' E3 o

" Z& P& W6 e7 J) {: n3 E7 i4 J; {/ D! G, ^1 f% K0 D+ Z+ U

, b9 p! h0 W* M2 P1 }2 v0 ]
5 @) k% o  e; @1 E+ \. [* s$ q, ?) P! ?4 T& V+ `  d# a

& p2 V8 m# m$ D2 \& e: H, X1 O  H% Y
1 n8 P, k3 _$ Q% |! L% ?' y

9 o; g6 j6 P; v( @* L6 @0 i9 Y+ F7 p1 h1 Z; w2 `
[ 本帖最后由 ice_lbb 于 2008-9-8 23:53 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-9-10 16:51 | 显示全部楼层


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